This is the year of walking in victory. This is the year when we say enough is enough, we get serious about the authority we have in Christ and start using it. This is the year we become warriors, on an entirely new level. And the paradox is, while we are totally suited up for battle, and we have all of our armor on, we are also totally aware that it is God that goes before us, fights for us, and is our standard bearer. What we do is stand our ground in the authority we have in Christ. We throw down the gauntlet, but he fights the war. We do put on the whole armor of God, as in Ephesians 6, but we also know that ultimately, it is not our strength that will win the fight, and that all those pieces of armor are empowered by God, He is fighting on our behalf even then.
This is a year of identity. If you don't know who you are in the Spirit by now, you will fully get it this year. You will come into Divine revelation of your identity in Christ. The things the world has put on you will start falling off. If there are remaining lingering elements from your past that have clung to you, those will now get their final eject from your soul. Your identity will start to refine even more, as more of the dross burns off. The things that once had you bound will have no power over you. When you start to walk in your full identity, and claim your complete authority in Christ, nothing can stand against you and win.
I'm not saying that there won't be any trouble, trial, temptation, or things from the past that may try to get in your face, I'm not saying there won't be any other forms of spiritual warfare and that we'll all be floating around on a Glory cloud 24/7, but what I am saying is your default setting when anything comes against you in the Spirit realm will be: "Excuse me? do you know who you are dealing with? I'm a child of the most high God!" You won't react in any form or fear or worry, but rather kind of laugh in the enemy's face and think, wow, you are really gonna have a bad day picking a fight with me.
This is the year we put the enemy to flight. We're on the offensive now. No more whining and whimpering. No more being pushed around by a puny little sniveling punk. I've had enough of this little napoleon complex runt beating up on my friends, family, churches, ministries, and myself. I am filled with righteous indignation and everything within me is saying rise up and conquer!
I hear the call of the Warrior Bride, and it's the call I am answering for this year. The battle is the Lord's, but I am suiting up in my armor, and I will be ready to do my part; to know who I am in Christ, to embrace my identity, lay claim to my inheritance, and take hold of my authority.
I am part of the army of God and I am the warrior bride who gets to take time off from battle to rest against my beloved at the wedding feast, and I take pleasure in both these things, because there is a love war going on, and I intend to win.
Originally posted to Facebook - Thursday, January 1, 2009 at 10:02am
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