Wednesday, November 21, 2007


I am still in visitation. God only let me out from under it long enough to have lunch with my friend, go shopping, and come back to my place and watch a movie with her. The minutes she walked out the door, the Spirit Fell on me again. *Zap*! I feel like I am typing this with weights on my arms. (Does this burn calories I wonder?) Haa haa. I think it might. I am sad to say I won't be able to share much while this visitation is happening, because it is far too difficult to type for long. I am going to take notes during all these days and nights and share any and everything I feel may be worthy, with you when I touch down (Will I ever touch down Lord? Do I ever want to?) Strange and wonderful things have been happening. Things too marvelous for me. I can only bow my head to the ground. His goodness is overwhelming. His presence is so powerful. He is imparting secrets to me. Connecting dots I never even saw before -- not the dots themselves, let alone the way they link up.

There was a glory cloud in my room last night -- in all the colors of His royalty: Purple, Magenta, Violet, Royal Blue, then giving way Bright Blinding Shining Whiter than White, Lumenscent. I saw Jesus on the throne, bright white, all light. Beaming. White hot flame. Then the flame of orange and red on my wall from the Holy Spirit. I could see none of these with my natural eyes, God told me to look at something through my cell's camera, and take a picture, and I got pictures of things I couldn't see directly. Maybe they would have been too much for me to see directly. Only He knows. I am astounded by the things He can do.

I am astounded and confounded, and upside down, and happy like a child. I got hugged by him, rocked to sleep in his arms. Surrounding me, suffusing me till there was nothing left but Him, and me -- a little baby, being rocked to sleep in his arms, and He smiled over me, and I smiled so hard and wide that my little shining face rang like a silver bell. He was my proud papa, delighted with me completely, and me, looking up at him, could only see, only feel, love, love, love. I asked him why he loved me so, why he smiled over me so as he held me...and he said "just because you're my girl" -- then he played me the song "My Girl" by The Temptations, and I giggled and laughed like a tickled child. My poppa laughed with me. I was tiny, so safe and small, snuggled up and completely free!

Then tonight: I knew he'd been waiting to pounce on me as soon as I was alone with Him, cos all day I had tremors and His energy running up and down inside me, and on my skin. He'd been waiting impatiently, jealously, for every moment I'd been away. And then in one moment, as I turned around at the top of my stairs, a sneak surprise attack, and *WHOOMP*!!! here I am under again. Diver down. Deep deep under. I have no choice. He's holding me captive! Help, I've been kidnapped by the Holy Spirit! Hee hee. And there is no ransom He will exchange me for. He wants ME, ME, ME, and nothing more.

I am captured & enthralled.

I have to go now, He is pulling me away from the desk, He wants me to come sing & dance with Him & I cannot keep Him waiting a moment longer.

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