Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Presence of His Glory

Here anything is possible!

His Presence unlocks everything.

His Glory is a gorgeous weight upon my life.

i can barely type this right now, i am being pulled to the floor, HIS HEAVY GLORY!!!

i welcome you in with me, all who read these words, enter into His presence, and may His Glory fall twice as heavily upon you as it is on me right now.

Pull 'em off their seats Lord! Make 'em slide to the floor God!

Let these words written under Your Glory carry the tangible weight of Your Presence, so that the reading of these words will knock people out in the spirit, and set 'em under a glory cloud thicker and heavier than they have ever experienced before in their life!

i proclaim with Thanksgiving that this is the heaviest Glory i have ever been under in my life, for it is YOU who demanded i create this blog, and i am here only to carry Your Presence to the people after i spend time with you deep in your presence for hours and hours; let me bring the Glory back down from Your Holy Mountain and give it to people like the bread of life, and the living waters. The bread of Your presence shall feed them all till they hunger no more, the river of Your Spirit shall quench their parched tongues till they thirst no more! Let it be so, in the name of Your Son Jesus, Glory to You Lord, Oh how I Love Your Presence!!!

i am, humbly, Your scribe: i will live to hear the words You say & to write the words I hear.


Unknown said...

Alright Talin!!!!!!

Your first blog, and my first time entering, and reading a blog.


scribe said...

Hey Bob, so good of you to stop by. And you are my first comment! Woo hoo!

gone but you will never forget me. said...

I look forward to your blogs, and the blessings of your words Talin, I know we have sometimes not seen eye to eye.. but we are both daughter's of the same King. *smile*
~lady s~